Music runs deep for Tim, spanning back generations. His great-grandfather was a doctoral graduate violinist and composer from Harvard. His great-grandmother was an opera singer and his grandmother—a passionate violinist as well—prophesied that he would be the family’s next violinist while holding him on her deathbed when he was two months old. An Itzhak Perlman performance on Sesame Street became his earliest musical inspiration—at just three-and-a-half—and classical music first provided the impetus to learn his instrument. Over the years other influences have come into play: from exposure to the raw energy of rock music he picked up guitar, watching a Ben Harper concert turned him onto songwriting, and sojourns in Spain and Cuba introduced flamenco, salsa, and Afro-Cuban rhythms into his repertoire. Embracing these diverse influences, Tim's musical odyssey took him to uncharted territories. Returning to college, he spent a year studying jazz and eventually rediscovered his love of classical music.