
Magpie Taking Flight


July struck, full of tourism and chaos. We were new to the idea of vaccines and the power they held, trying to understand who had the upper hand, COVID or science. We erred on the side of caution and opted for home mixed cocktails, joining our dear friends at Pride park in Red Lodge.

We peddled our way to “happy hour,” gripping a list of potential names, Bitters & Basil, Juniper, 1719, 17 North…..the list begging for an idea not already pondered by us. It was soon after we greeted our friends that a bird swooped down, which never would have grabbed my attention except that he was unkempt and disheveled, unlike his well groomed peers.

Conversations drifted into the background, like an audio vignetting, as I watched this tenacious creature hop along on one leg, teetering with such determination. The figurative parallels were overwhelming, I hope to always present in this world with such sinew, grit and persistence.

Mike and I aptly named our new endeavor after this incredible bird who so flawlessly embodies the characteristics that we hope to manifest at One Legged Magpie.


Proprietors Kat & Mike Porco

Our staff at One Legged Magpie are committed to equality and inclusion.